Our Technology

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Our Technology

Our Technology


Locally Farmed From Start to FIN


At Blue Ocean Aquaculture Technology (BOAT), we’re writing the next chapter of fish farming in Singapore. Seeking alternatives to the problems of conventional fish farming, our team has spent the last five years developing a farming system suitable for modern cities.

Our Technology



As the first indoor aquaculture farm in Singapore, we’re excited to be paving the way for sustainable and responsible fish farming in our urban environments. Our goal is to provide Singaporeans with fresh, convenient and delicious seafood for generations.

We’ve named the products from our farming system FIN - Farmed Indoor with Nano oxygen.

This is how every FIN’s journey starts:

Arrival at our Shores: STAGE 1
Arrival at our Shores: STAGE 1
We import only the best stocks from reputable farms for culturing. This means we pick fry from parent fish that have the best colour, body shape and growth rate. It increases the chances of our fry to grow up into strong, healthy fish and a better quality product.

These are the range of fishes we carry and the countries we import from:

Super Red Tilapia (Thailand)
Jade Perch (Australia)

After the juvenile fish arrive at our facility from their respective countries, they are placed in quarantined tanks where they undergo checks for health and quality. Water quality tests are conducted daily and we observe them for signs of stress as they acclimate to their new conditions.
Quarantine + Checks
Quarantine + Checks
Only healthy ones picked
Only healthy ones picked
Cultivation and Care: STAGE 2
Cultivation and Care: STAGE 2
Once the fish are ready, we transfer them to our culture tanks where we will cultivate them until they reach the ideal harvest size. To cultivate our fish into FINs, we use a system called the Nano Tech Vertical Indoor Re-circulating Aquaculture System (NT-VIRAS). NT-VIRAS represents the two components that make up the system.

Our system consists of two sets of tanks. A set of culture tank (where the fish live) and a set of bio-filter tank (where the water is cleaned). Water from the culture tank is pumped to the bio-filter tank above it. In the bio-filter tank, nitrogenous waste is filtered out from the water. The clean water is enriched with nano oxygen before flowing downwards back into the culture tanks.
Our Farming System
Our Farming System
Nano Oxygen Technology (NT)
Oxygen is delivered to our tanks via special nano bubble generators, which shrink and burst in the water instead of floating to the surface. This creates an oxygen rich environment for our fish to thrive.

Vertical Indoor Re-circulating Aquaculture System (VIRAS)
Space is a limited premium in Singapore. Going vertical allows us to make full use of what available area we have.
After 6 to 8 months<br />
Tank Conditions and Maintenance
After 6 to 8 months
Tank Conditions and Maintenance
We keep our water pristine and our fish live in an ideal environment where they can constantly swim and grow.

We believe active, healthy and stress free fish is the best way to deliver a tasty product on your plate!
Processing Your Order: STAGE 3
Processing Your Order: STAGE 3
After 6 to 8 months, our Super Red Tilapia and Jade Perch are big enough for consumption.

Upon your order, our staff harvest the fish directly from our tanks. The fish are quickly placed in insulated boxes and covered in ice for processing.
Prepped and Packed
Prepped and Packed
Depending on your preference, we may de-scale and de-gut the fish, fillet it or leave it whole. After your fish is prepared, we vacuum pack each piece individually and put them in an insulated box with ice to preserve their freshness, quality and texture.
Delivery on the GO!
Delivery on the GO!
They are immediately then handed off to our delivery partner who will bring it from our farm straight to your home!