Steam Jade Perch with Chef Cao Yong Traditional Sauce

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Steam Jade Perch with Chef Cao Yong Traditional Sauce

Steam Jade Perch with Chef Cao Yong Traditional Sauce

Steam Jade Perch with Chef Cao Yong Traditional Sauce

1. FINbyBOAT Jade Perch 600 to 800g.

2. Chef Cao Yong Traditional Recipe Sauce 1 bottle.

3. Few slices of Giger.

4. Few stalks of Spring Onion.

5. Dried pork fat.

How To Cook

1. Butterfly cut the Jade Perch.

2. Place Jade Perch on a plate with ginger below.

3. Steam for 12 to 15 mins.

4. Throw away the water after steaming.

5. Pour Chef Cao Yong Traditional Recipe on the fish.

6. Sprinkle spring onion and dried pork fat.

7. Ready to serve.
